Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of....???

Beware! The following pictures may be offensive to neatniks, extremely organized types, and the like...

This is my desk. This is not my desk on drugs. If you know me at all, the jumbo sized Slurpee will not shock you at all! It is my beverage preference above all others. After all I live in Florida and it's stinkin' hot! What else is there? A bunch of photo paper for my printer. I just got the camera and have been playing around. There are two "Goosebumps" books that Pete previewed for Parker (and gave thumbs down to). There are bills and piles of who knows what. Also, somehow a bunch of my stamping and scrapping stuff has somehow landed here. I don't know how it happens. Really I don't. I'd like to say it's because the desk is smack dab in the middle of traffic central in my house. I don't think that's it though. I'd like to blame it on the kids or Pete. But I don't think that's it either. Pete's got his own clutter/desk problems and besides, all the stuff on the desk is MINE! Yikes. Guess we all know what I'll be doing today, huh?

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

LOL! Yup, none of that suprises me.